Beam deflection experiment

Posted on October 21, 2017 in research

The goal of this experiment is simply to understand how to handle Image Processing tools in Matlab. Therefore, I recorded a video from the CHMS lab of a bending experiment. The future goals is to evaluate materials composition of a beam using Image Processing toolbox.

Watch the following video:

Instead of trying to analyze the video, which I think it is also possible, I created a sequence of images using the following command on Ubuntu:

ffmpeg -i -r 1 -f image2 beam-%01d.jpg

I started analyzing one image in the matlab, then I created a loop to do with all recorded images. So, I created a matlab script based on the following steps:

  1. Read image using the imread;
  2. Convert to grayscale using the rgb2gray;
  3. Crop the region of interest;
  4. Binarized the image;
  5. Excluded part of the structure because it was a noise for the following steps;
  6. Find the coefficients of polynomial;
  7. Plot and save the figure in the same folder.
alternate text

The last step was to generate a .gif image. For this task I used:

convert -delay 100 -loop *.png output.gif

Check the final results: