Robotics Specialization
Robotics Specialization is offered by University of Pennsylvania under Coursera platform. This specialization consist on 4 courses: Aerial Robotics, Computational Motion Planning, Mobility and Perception. The following contains some of the work I have done during the first two courses of this specialization.Six Link Robot
- Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM)
- Guide a robot to avoid objects in the workspace
- Sparse graph using Dijkstra's algorithm
- github repository
Quadrotor Control in the Plane
- Following a line trajectory
- Considered the thrust force in the Y-Z Plane;
- Proportional Derivative controller;
- Control the height of quadrotor;
- ODE 45 solver;
- Dynamic model is nonlinear
- github repository
Quadrotor Control in the Plane
- Following a sine waive trajectory
- Considered the thrust force in the Y-Z Plane;
- Proportional Derivative controller;
- Control the height of quadrotor;
- ODE 45 solver;
- Dynamic model is nonlinear
- github repository
3D Controller Quadrotor
- Proportional Derivative controller;
- Position and Attitude Control;
- ODE 45 solver;
- github repository
Dijkstra Planner
- Works by visiting vertices in the graph
- Find a shortest path
- github repository
AStarGrid Planner
- Find a shortest path
- Faster than Dijkstra Planner
- github repository
Gradient Based Planner
- Guide a robot from one location to another in 2d Space
- Used artificial potential fields
- Energy surface
- github repository