Air Hockey Table

When I was studying at Western Michigan University during the Summer of 2014 with Professor Steven Durbin, I took a class called Independent Study (ECE 4900.pdf) that consists in the development of a project. The goal of this project was to upgrade the Air Hockey Table project. There were some issues in the first version of the project: the air flow was not strong enough to make the puck float and the scoring system was not working. Therefore, in this project I designed a scoring mechanism, upgraded airflow system, and display interface. I used a Raspberry Pi as an interface.

In conclusion, the project was concluded with success. The new fans have power enough to make the puck flow. In contrast, the old fan, the new one is controlled by PWM. Therefore, it was developed a board to turn on the fans.

Also, the scoring system is working with the Infrared emitter detector. Sometimes one of the sensor was not working very well. However, with reduction of the current in the LED, the circuit works fine. For any future improvements, could use a system to control the time to turn on the fans and improve the scoring system.